Monday, April 21, 2008

Farewell, my sweet addiction

Goodbye, delicious chocolate cake. And brownies. And Mrs. Field's chocolate chip cookies. As of today I've added sugar to the list of foods that I don't eat. My addiction to sugar is so out of control that yesterday, in a pre-sugar fast binge, I made and ate almost an entire half-batch of chocolate chip cookies. It was not my finest moment.

So, friends, I am posting this to keep me accountable. I already made a bet with my parents, as we are all giving up sugar and caffeine, but a little extra support won't hurt. I'll let everyone know how it goes.


Eddie said...

My wife and I give up sugar all the time. (we give it up repeatedly not because we give in, but because it is never intended to be a forever-type thing. ie, at the time we go off of sugar, it is only meant to be that way for a limited time.) We often remark about how good it feels to our bodies to not be eating so much sugar. I highly recommend it!

P.S. This is Brian Bishop, (aka Elder Bishop) that taught Mohamed the gospel when I was on my mission in Illinois. I don't have any way of contacting him. [no email address, no phone #] so if you could, please have him send an email to me at ! Thanks!

Caroline Tung Richmond said...

Haha. Your sugar fast reminds me of the summer when you lived in DC and gave up desserts. And that memory reminds of when I was with you at Marvelous Market, digging through a trash bag of disposed pastries and picking the ones I wanted to eat.

(Disclaimer: they had barely been thrown away and they were the only things in the bag. Yet still...I admit I was a little gross.)

Go Jami! I don't think I have the self-discipline to stay away from sugar, but I probably should. I eat way too many sugary cereals and chocolate and cookies and ice cream.

amy said...

so, is sugar now on the list of foods you will not eat for the rest of your life? or are you just taking a break?

K.E.N said...

I feel your pain already-I'm giving up sugar tomorrow. I know what you mean about addiction to sugar and caffine. I'm giving it up in hopes to lose lots of weight. So, good luck to you and your family, I hope it works out (for you and for me).